Helpful Information
Please Note: The medical information contained below is meant only to provide some general thoughts on just some of the types of injuries that one can sustain in an accident or collision. It is imperative that all individuals who have been in an accident or collision immediately seek medical attention so that medical professionals can properly evaluate and diagnose any injuries or medical/mental conditions that may have occurred in the accident or collision. Nothing contained in this website is intended to be a substitute for proper medical advice. We will update this articles section periodically.
Typical Medical Exams Following an Accident
Back and neck injuries and related medical conditions can be quite serious and take months or years to recover from. Surgery and extensive physical therapy and other treatment modalities may be necessary. This can result in substantial medical expense, work loss, severe pain and mental suffering, loss of usual activities, stress and a serious impact […]
Do’s and Don’ts If You Are in an Auto Accident
Do check to see if anyone is injured, and if so, call for medical help. Do call the police. They will make a police report of the facts of the accident, which may be critical to having a strong insurance claim and lawsuit. Do take a picture of the scene if you have a camera. […]
Do I Have a Good Accident Case?
Accident victims need three things to be present in order to have a good case. First, the other party must have been “negligent”. Obvious examples of negligence for accident cases include auto accidents where a driver runs a stop sign or red light and injures someone else. Second, there must be some type of compensable […]
How Do My Medical Bills Get Paid?
Medical bills from a work injury are paid by the employer or their insurance company. Medical bills from an automobile accident are usually paid in one of three ways. If you have your own health insurance, often your health insurance company will pay the bills from an accident. In addition, the at-fault driver is responsible […]