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Beck Law Offices Has Obtained Millions of Dollars for Public Employees Who Have Been Wrongfully Fired

img-6In our almost 40 years of experience in handling employment law cases, we have obtained millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for our clients. In particular, public sector employees who work under a contract or employee handbook that states they can be terminated only for “cause,” have a constitutionally protected property interest in their right to continued employment. This means that unless good and sufficient cause is shown for the termination of their employment, such employees are entitled to damages for their job loss. This can mean compensation for back pay, future pay, lost employee benefits, retirement benefits, mental anguish and distress, and attorney’s fees and costs of prosecution. In certain cases, punitive damages can be awarded to punish the wrongdoers. The law provides that such employees are entitled to due process of law before their employment can be terminated. Our office has been successful in recovering millions of dollars for employees whose employment has been wrongfully terminated. We have represented police officers, firefighters, emergency service workers, and various county, city and special district employees. We have represented rank and file employees, supervisors, department heads, administrators and executives. These types of cases are incredibly complex and time intensive, so if you have an employment dispute, contact us and put our considerable experience to work for you!

"Proudly Serving All of Idaho for Almost 40 Years"